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  • John Heath

Energy Healing... The art of energy manipulation

Updated: Apr 22, 2021

So, I'm an energy healer. 'What's that?' I hear you cry in tones of disbelief and confusion. To explain, let me start at the Source. Source is the name that we give to the, ahem, source of the energy we use. You could label it as God, Allah, Chi and a hundred other names, but the simple fact is that it is Source. It is All That Is. Einstein postulated that everything is made up of energy. An atom is something like 0.001% solid. The rest is a spinning vortex of energy and light, with its own magnetism, called gravity. It is this shared pool of energy that we healers use to the benefit of our clients. Put simply:

  • The Universal Energy comes from Source

  • The healer calls on the energy (like plugging himself into the mains supply)

  • The energy is drawn through the healer into the physical and energetic bodies of the client, by the client.

So as you can see, a healer acts as a connection, like a router for your internet. The person who is having healing done is the one who tells the energy it is needed. This is called intention. When a person makes an appointment for healing, it is their intention that determines the eventual outcome of the healing. If they make the appointment and subsequently attend the session with the intention of 'testing' the healer, their session will not work. This is because in order to successfully heal, a person needs to be open to the healing. Their mind must be receptive to the healing energies - or it will block the energetic vibrations delivered by the healer.

The great thing about the power of intention is the wonderful way that the healing begins as soon as the session is booked. Once someone makes the conscious decision to allow the energy to heal them, it starts doing so. That's why one must be genuine in one's intention. So how does the whole thing work?

Well, we know now that everything is made of energy. People are magnetic. We are electromagnets - our whole body uses electricity to function, and the most obvious path for this is our nervous system. Energy is distributed all over our bodies by our nerves, blood, and various other mysteriously advanced and complex systems. In order to distribute this energy, we have energy centres, also referred to as chakras. there are many thousands of these energy distribution points all around the body, some small and some larger.

For the human mind and body to function properly, this energy needs to be distributed correctly, efficiently, and freely to its destination. The flow must be regulated, but at the same time able to flow freely. For the purposes of healing, there are four states that these energy centres (or chakras) can be in:

  1. Blocked

  2. Underactive

  3. Overactive

  4. Normal

If a Chakra is blocked, then it will not actively participate in the distribution of energy, meaning that the minimum amount of energy gets through and is often contaminated and stagnant.

If a Chakra is underactive, then it will be sluggish in its operation, slowing the energy down and at the same time only delivering part of the message, because the energy diminishes if it cannot flow quickly enough.

An overactive Chakra is just as harmful: The energy is flowing too strongly... It is not being regulated enough leading to areas of the body being swamped with energy while others are not getting enough.

Normally, if someone has an over/underactive chakra, it is likely that it is overcompensating for one of the other chakras.

A normal Chakra is letting the correct amount of energy through, keeping it slow enough to not have any 'traffic jams', but quick enough to allow the body to function at its most efficient.

So, that is basically the relationship between the body and energy. Cool, but how does one go about healing this energy flow?

Well, that's where it gets fun. A healer doesn't use any of his/her own energy, they just channel the energy. It is perfectly possible to heal one's own self. In fact, all a healer does is direct the healing energy to where their own instinct tells them to.

It's all about vibrations... Yes, it really is. A healer trains his/her own brain to strengthen, purify and make themselves more sensitive to, the energy centres in their hands. This way, a healer can sense another person's energy, and using the power of intention, their own brain will emit electromagnetic pulses at a specific frequency to repair the energetic problem. So basically, the healer senses the vibrational rate of the bodily area, and their subconscious mind uses this control over their own vibration to correct it.

Magnetism copies itself. That's how generators work. The spinning magnets produce a magnetic field in the coil, and because the energy wants to go in the same direction as the magnets, that's what produces electricity. That's how magnetic high-speed trains work. The magnetic pulses go in one direction, which pulls the train along. So, the magnetic pulses coming from the healer are copied by the client's body, which helps them to heal. The healer doesn't decide anything during this process, it is all done at an extremely subconscious level.

But the most amazing thing about energy healing? You don't have to believe in it for it to work. The simple fact that you agree to have it done is enough. Because let me tell you a secret: you are your own healer.

Take care,


I am a Reiki Master Practitioner and Teacher, adept at several different types of traditional and non-traditional Reiki. I also practice Chios Energy Healing, and heal intuitively, I am a hypnotherapist, psychologist and life coach. I live in Lanzarote and it is my mission to 'heal as many people as possible'.

If you would like to have a chat about healing or any of the work I do, please get in touch:

+34 603 79 88 82 (WhatsApp available, please call after 2pm)

Facebook: blue.spirit.wellness

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