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  • John Heath

Guidance and Intuition - My Experience

Updated: Apr 22, 2021

Temet Nosce. No, I haven't decided to write this one in Latin, but the quote means 'Know Thyself', and I'm sure if you've seen the film The Matrix, you'll be familiar with it already.It basically means 'get to know your true self'. That's always a great idea. Underneath the ego-shaped manifestation that is your presence in the three-dimensional world, there sits, patiently waiting, your true self. This is also called your Soul, Higher Self, Authentic Self, Spirit and many more, but it represents one half of the package that makes up you. You see, there are always two sides to a person. On one side (let's say left, to correspond to which half of the brain it is...), we have the you who has been moulded, shaped and taught by society and your peers. This is the you who the world sees - the you who has been created to fit in. This side is the Ego Self (by the way, the word 'ego' is not necessarily bad - it evolved as a survival trait). The other side (the right side) is the True Self. As I said, it's often referred to as the Authentic Self, but I'll use the other one because it's easier.... The True Self is who you really are, without the filters, constraints and expectations of the outside world. It is this that gives us 'spirit', 'soul', 'heart', 'love', 'compassion' and any other aspect of our persona that could be described as 'Truly Personal'. Our personality it is not; personality is made up of aspects from both sides of your persona - sometimes one side is too much in charge, resulting in imbalance. I'm not talking about that today. Today I am talking about Guidance and Intuition. Which, is quite easy to understand. Not Know Thyself, but Know, Thyself. All I did there was insert a comma. So, to work with Guidance and Intuition, as I do, all we need is a 'comma'. More about that another time... Guidance and Intuition are words that describe the communication that our True Self has with our Ego Self. Our Ego Self is the part responsible for self-preservation. That's why we have it, because it kept us from being killed. Ego is all about me, but our True Self just knows that there is so much more to it. Our True Self knows everything about you. It could possibly tell you exactly how many cells you have in your body, and exactly how each of them are doing. It remembers everything from your life (or lives...), has learnt the lessons, passed the checkpoints, and will never hurt you. Your own true self is who you really are - without the rules, expectations and filters of anyone else. It's who, and what, your soul wants you to be. So, if it has all this information about us, can we use it? Of course we can. That's what it's there for... Our TS is able to access all information ever. Using what it knows about us, it can personalise and sort the information according to who we are. Our TS handles the 'stuff' from outside the human scope - the things that go on 'behind the scenes'... If it's so easy to access all the information about anything from the entire beginning of the universe, why doesn't everyone have a 'library card'? Easy: because most people simply won't listen. Your TS is very quiet and subtle. Stress, worry, inability to relax are just a few ways that we drown out our TS's voice. When you decide to receive guidance and awaken your intuition, it will literally change your life. It certainly did mine! Listening to my inner wisdom is guiding me on a path in my life that is:

  1. Perfect for me

  2. Something I'm naturally (and instinctively) good at

So, that's what it's doing from a normal point of view. What I haven't mentioned yet is the rest of the package. So I find that things are happening more and more to my advantage: My quality of life is vastly improving (which has nothing to do with money - I find it easier to go without these days), my own healing abilities are greatly improved, and things just seem to 'work out'.

Basically, Intuition was also developed as a survival skill. It is our gut instinct. You know that feeling you get in your stomach when in certain situations? Well, that's guidance. That's your True Self 'speaking up'. By learning to listen to the subtle language of our True Selves, we can open up a whole new way of life. This intuition and guidance can be so useful: I use it in my work to 'sense' where there may be a problem - it's never wrong, and it knows more than I could ever learn. I often 'see' in my mind's eye an exact picture of a problem, and this enables me to pinpoint the area on a client that needs the energy.

In daily life, Intuition can guide you far better than you could on your own. It is your intuition that can see people's motives, it can constantly 'watch out' for you. It's like having a psychic 'big brother' who is constantly advising you. I make better decisions (and ones that I wouldn't normally make), I instinctively know things that I have no possible explanation for knowing, I am considerably more positive and I feel my life is progressing as it really should, rather than it being shaped by outside influences.

By allowing my intuition to guide me, I have found that the actual logistics of living have become so much easier. I don't have to spend my time making mistakes, going back, starting again, thinking, re-thinking, running around like a headless chicken trying to simply live. The decisions my True Self makes are so much more in line with what my life was meant to be rather than what others think it should be. This level of personal freedom is awesome - I am now where I should be. I am living in accordance with my pre-decided life path, and I finally feel comfortable existing as a human being on earth. All existential doubt has disappeared - no more 'why am I here', no more 'I don't belong here', no more 'I don't know what I'm doing'. I am living in a location which is perfectly suited to me, doing what I love, and living with my true Twin Flame (who, by the way, is also perfectly suited). You see, your True Self constantly loves you and is always thinking about you, and just you. It will, through intuition and guidance, offer you exactly what you need, rather than everything you want (as we know, there's a difference...)

Why? Simple. Your Ego says 'You need a massive TV because that's a sign of how successful you are as a human being', but your True Self says 'Buy a bicycle. It'll keep you fit, mentally and physically, and the fresh air will do you good anyway'. That's the difference. Ego is driven by our relationship with the outside world, and our True Self is driven by our relationship with ourself. Love yourself is a call from your True Self reminding you - You live with yourself your whole life. Be nice.

Intuition is a huge subject - I have spent so much time learning about it, and practicing and training myself to tune into my True Self, that I don't think I could even guess at how many hours I have devoted. But, let me tell you: it was worth every second.

If you're interested, and feel you'd like some help to welcome your True Self into your daily life, please get in touch.

Take care,


I am a Reiki Master Practitioner and Teacher, adept at several different types of traditional and non-traditional Reiki. I also practice Chios Energy Healing, and heal intuitively, I am a hypnotherapist, psychologist and life coach. I live in Lanzarote and it is my mission to 'heal as many people as possible'.

If you would like to have a chat about healing or any of the work I do, please get in touch:

+34 603 79 88 82 (WhatsApp available, please call after 2pm)

Facebook: blue.spirit.wellness

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